10k Pete is ~1800 USD 20/80 is 2k/8k ~180/1620 USD How make a campaign for Pete reach 1$ value in a month with team budget of 180 USD equivalent?
Did Retweet airdrop ended?
Someone know say for me if waves school/academy project is active / paused / canceled and who answer for it?
I not understood something in neutrino dao who deposit investment on it will share 100PWR what they say is flat price, besides limitations about this flat price and burn a si...
nice is not?
Why did added 3 weeks more?
Deposit here, is equal hold DLP?
when neutrino website operations closes?
Someone already know how much will be paid for each DLP in value in this epochal?
Did the $PWR slashed in first period?
@Sasha52653 is online?
Or for some reason a BTC is not a BTC? Does wbtc-wxg represent BTC or does it represent something else?
Wait, the team have no power in wavesDAO, as governor to vote in proposes inside childDAO?
Can someone explain for me how is slashed? 100% slashed? I lose entirely PWR amount in DAO?
I not understand, usdn-xtn deppep, besides use, XTN not is value in tsunami is quantity... I not understand because is like for me include Petro, I miss something? I drunk so ...
is broke onboarding page?
Some days talking about white label apps, but I not found anyone, where have the white label apps?
He make a mistake, forgot a comma or what?
What is actual version of solar app?
Mike wrote "You should invest any amount of WAVES tokens [...] to become a DAO governor" He is right or wrong?