If I revoke my collator and after 7 days I don’t execute straight away we oiled I still earn rewards? And can I execute any time after 7 days?
Is earnx in the waiting pool?
Is it true more than 50 percent of current supply is staked?
Sorry new to all this can someone explain what it means the collator is not active? And how do they become active again
There is a discord site moonbeam punks where there are going to mint NFT is it legit site?
Has the unlock happened?
Is the staking website fown?
Stake apr gone down ?
Staking Rewards low in the last 2 rounds is it to do with now we have 64 collators?
Any update on waiting collators when they will be active again?
Does being higher up the rank mean higher rate ?
Would the staking rate go up after take flight?
Any play to earn games on glmr?
Can collator take your tokens ?