What is this halving?
We want our money back from locked staking, you guys fooled us , in 2 days you reduced more than half of the ApR , who has done this ?
Mdx -> xmdx swap not available why ?
If i am not withdrawing any xmdx , are they safe there ?
How much $ to stake in 365 🔒 staking to get 50$ daily rewards?
Is there any risk of loosing xmdx in impermanent loss , while staking in LP xmdx/mdx ?
Someone sent me a pic of coca-cola partnering with pancakeswap
Do we need to withdraw xmdx (dao) in order to put them in MDX/xmdx LP ?
Does the boardroom APR comes from mining/ fees ?
Is it safe to put xmdx in xmdx/mdx LP ?
Where the mining rewards goes ?
Xmdx contract address?