I dont think the solution was 0 inflation the problem was the 75% inflation to cost the evm hackathon the drove the price down and the bear market. In which we hope we see the...
If inflation is going to be zero, so what is my incentive to secure the network? Cus we still need to secure the network right?
Ive been researchimg a low risk way. to utilize my aust and it seem like is loop market Does anyone agrees?
Which usdt can i buy on osmosis to be able to tranfer to kava lend? I bought the one says kava underneath and it doesnt show on the app.
Hey i noticed ust is on Kava . To mint usdx is it pegged to the dollar as busd?
Where can i read more about the Mint token and how will it work with what o currently have in the app?
There is a lot of noise on twitter with luna and blackrock. Anybody care to explain?
I owe like 24 usdx from interest accumulated thru a busd cdp. So if i want to pay those 24 and be square since it 0% but continue with thr cdp. do i have to withdraw the whole...
Does anyone having issue staking the vested rewards thru cosmostation with ledger and if you resolve the issue?
Where and when can i buy Juno?
I have my akt in lend. Im not getting the akt rewards but if i leave it there i will still get the kavs and hard rewards?
ok i supplied busd mint usdx supply usdx on lend borrow almost max like 100 less. Can i get liquidated on lend or just acrue the interest?
Dapp still down?
Who uses Ledger got a question. On the Solana app i can move Ray, or Atlas coins and how do i deposit usdt gor example?
i stake some anc and open an lp. Where do i claim rewards or see my rewards?
is ruby finance the first project for kava developers?
is there anymore staking. Did they stopped staking. I dont see any movement on my delegation?
what is the official twlegram chat for persistence?
i noticed some nft on my wallet but when i go to solana357 to mint, it give an error signing the tx. I have a ledger does anyone gone thru this?
So no longer can we connect cosmos app to terra station?