Hi Admin please respond; Hi Admin, after the OMI token swap to ETH network, what is the Veve recommended hardware wallet as storage ?
Hi Admin, reading comics on iPad Pro , the pages do not appear after a few pages in this case page 10. Can you please advise ? I am not using AR.
Hi Admin can you tell me the steps to transfer a collectible to a different account ?
Hi Admin, is the Whitelist for KYC and Payout mandatory for an account holder if he or she has been selected ? The account holder may not be able to participate due to trave...
Hi Admin, I was surprised that I was charged 5 gems for Veve app from Apple store. It’s not clearly shown that it costs 5 gems for Veve app. Can you please clarify?
Hi Admin, can you please clarify what the steps are for the upcoming metabonding ? Is it by staking eGld and LKMex? If so staking eGld on the Elrond website and staking LKMex ...
Is the Maiar Exchange already launched and can we claim the MEX tokens ?
Hi Admin, a question on impermanent loss. I have read /seen the topic and understand how it arises and a risk in providing liquidity to the Maiar Exchange (DEX). Can you pleas...
Hi Admin please advise if market is open in a Veve app as I cannot access ?
Why is the confirm ledger address not the same as in my ledger nano ? It’s asking me to confirm ledger address.
Is Provide actually doing a new token or is this just FUD , untrue ?
Hi Admin, does this mean that all Veve collectibles are available for sale in Immutable X market place? I cannot see any of them when I go to the website?
Hi Admin, can you please provide any guidelines to claim Mex , add liquidity and farm Mex? I have not been following the news on this fir so long. Apologies for asking.
I read something about boosted rewards . How does this work ?
Hi Admin , using iPad Pro whenever I touched the screen on the downloaded collectible , the Veve app immediately shuts down. Had removed the Veve app and use a new app but pro...
Hi Admin please advise Does it also mean I have to have free LKMex to stake so if I am interested should not stake my LKMex earned to Mex farm to qualify ? By staking the LKMe...
What’s the latest on the Maiar exchange progress and Mex claims ?
Is there a 2 step process to cease delegating? Initiate withdrawal button is 1st step , what is the other step ? Hi Admin can you advise please ?
The LKMEX to farm Ride tokens has to be unstaked ones i.e. currently not staked in LP or the Mex farms ? Hi Admin please advise
Sorry. I am not internet savvy. My wifi internet is working properly as I can use Netflix etc. How to check otherwise?