are the dexes lining up to partner then?
Wen cel utility for US? If you mention the rich club you are ngmi
Wouldn’t something like dune also be a potential partner?
Does this new architecture allow for nodes or validators to be run by the community?
Wen US utility?
Where are some of the utility proposals? Shouldn’t the community be voting on these?
What would the role of the validators be in the new system? To verify the data is accurate from all of the chains?
it makes no sense not to have a dao. if celsius implements utility the community does not like they will make enough noise until celsius fixes the utility. why not save that s...
What rhymes with heyday?
Anyone else getting nervous with all the ex wall streeters and now ex Facebook joining? Thoughts? Still think celsius needs a DAO if it wants to claim it puts community first.
Does this help?
who else is ready to stop hearing about swaps?
Anything good on AMA?