can I connect trezor or ledger to pancake?
Who is the guy that built the IOS app?
Monero has infinite supply?
and nothing got mentioned about edge wallet?
if wort case scenario polarity explodes or does an exit scam, disappears from the map forever, can warrr tokens still be converted to arrr?
is this coin on ledger or trezor by any chance?
has jeff berwick stopped talking abt us?
i cant see warrr on pancakeswap?
It's about time tradeogre opens up XMR ARRR pair... Also is fiat gateway gonna be available somewhere soon?
Maybe a noob question but if polarity explodes and disappears from the galaxy can we still swap wARRR to ARRR?
is the meeting now live with draeth? or is it just the same recorded earlier on?
is there any arrr wallet that generates 12 words instead of 24?
It would be nice if more people asked too?