What happened to him?
What are you in this game for? To make sure the tech works?
Is $11k and pray still in play? I haven't heard RH reference it in a long while. Currently looks like he called it wrong and $16.5 was the bototm
@Benzenoid do you think the updated UI of go.hex.com could benefit from some tool tips or clearer description for noobs and sell technically savvy?
@BlakeHutchinson are you into TA? What do the charts tell you?. 😜😎😂
Does anyone have Hex stakes made via staker? Has successfully managed to mint hedron + end stake on ethereum and also pls?
How can we identify the whale?
@Benzenoid Before bridges open, means no token has a price. Richard mentions "at a good rate". How then is the RATE of swapping PLSX for PLS determined? Thank you 👍😎
Is there a website to check cost if end staking in eth? Based on days served?
I heard God whale was dumping his Hex on pulse? Anyone confirm?
Icosa has an active voice chat. Good education going on. Can we get one here please?
Does staking Hex Support keeping the price up? Or is it totally independent?
@Benzenoid do you think the chap with the ETH address as a name is clued up??
Is this breaking of the long term trend line a bit deal. Thoughts?
@Benzenoid I recall you say, every sideways move in the HEX price, always resulted in a larger move to the upside. Is that still your feeling? Thanks 👍
Anyway @Hexanadian truce?
When Hex is staked, it's burned. Technically what happens to that Hex?
RH economy bottom in????
@BlakeHutchinson permission to DM?
Hex will exist on Pulse. eHex will exist on Ethereum. Bridging Hex over to Pulse is called pHex. Bridging eHex over to Pulse is called what??? Thanks ☺️✌️🤓