Is anyone able to buy ltc without kyc these days?
Thus, how can we help the masses?
For those still using windows, definitely want to start looking to switch to a Linux distro. They will be using AI to log everything on your PC. Requires certain hardware, but...
What do you all think 1 ARRR would be a fair price for?
I always remember being invited out to night out for wings at a local bar, my friend is awesome but some of his coworkers over the years have been complete bafoons. I was talk...
But as this technocracy progresses will it be an option?
I would love to hear what you all think and why?
How Nigerians responded to CBDC
For those who use cake wallet, does it require any KYC docs? How does it compare to monerujo?
Every one is consumed about their gains. Let's turn this into full fledged economy, where people work and provide value from the fruits of their labor. I have work to do too. ...
I think of local currencies. How do they determine the value of their currency?
is it possible to move the .komodo folder containing the blockchain to an external HD?
In a free market tho how do we determine what the smallest denomination of ARRR is or what 1 sat is? Are they even equal? Supply and demand, utility, locale, a lot of variabl...
here is the music video for the first track off my album "The All-$33ing Eye Lacks Depth Perception" called "In the U.S.A."
has anyone managed to get treasure chest to work on hyprland?
I'm looking to make a music video for the first song on my upcoming album. I want to rock a pirate chain shirt in the vid. What shirt would you all recommend that would get th...
We are all caught up on arrr's value tied to an evil system. That's like comparing your awesome wife to a Kardashian, fake and manipulative. At what point does our belief shif...
I can't remember which install method I choose for treasure chest (using ubuntu) how can I find out?
Crypto was about connection, no?
Do you think QC will reach the point of being capable of ruining all modern encryption?