How do i know if i am a Beta user or not??
yep sure, but how can a coin exists on two chains the same time? just interested in some technique behind it
it says that my data is being processed.... green check at selfie, green check at ID, green check at proof of living, but the field data of applicant is spinning and processin...
i can choose a "country" for my Bank account.... german bank account numbers always starts with a "DE" followed by numbers, do i still have to type in the DE (what i cant) or ...
new info on CASHOUT?!?!?
yo theres a problem with putting your bank information in the veve web app.... i have to put my Account number and it starts with DE for germany but it wont let me type any le...
new info wen cashout?... soon since a year.
a question for payout: I have a german bank account... i can only choose payout in USD... is that normal? Only USD is possible to payout right? And the single banks change it ...
well also crypto payout does NOT work... "something went wrong".... how long usually until the support contacts me after the ticket? and how is the contact? simple email or is...
When cashout?
i have read that this issue happened to more people, is there no general statement about the issue? cant be the solution that every single person has to get the same answer in...
Why does the gem Transaction history show a negativ balance?
didnt the team say cashout at the end of Q2??
Is there new info when the MCP / pay out Article comes out?
well for me its nice to see the dollar value, so i wonder if somebody here from the community has the new omi token on TRUST wallet and can see dollars?
how long to wait after ive done the KYC until it gets approved? Folks has somebody experience with that already?
amazix what the link for checking if i can cash out?
how long does it take to proceed the payout from veve web wallet to USDT ? Is it a matter of minutes ?
Was the 27th confirmed? Where?
do i have to click on a link in that email or do i just have to open the web app?