It seems like we're not focusing much on well-known companies that adopt bleeding edge platforms for building new things themselves. Our list of apps looks pretty good, and so...
Is Telos going to conform to ISO 20022?
Is there a YouTube on the history of Telos. Like, where everyone is from?
What if we voted on marketers the same way we voted on BPs? People can apply to do marketing and we vote for their inclusion based on their credentials. Fund them more based o...
Is anyone working on elastic stablecoins like Terra or Fei for Telos EVM? It would be awesome to get this community off the Tether /centralized habit. Centralized stablecoins ...
How does Telos eliminate accidental gas fees? Just on the UI side or something the BP can do?
I lost $100 Trillion on luna. How will my children eat??
Bounce to $50 LUNC??
four sided bottom, 6-10 sided top maybe?
Wen eating chocolate hat NFT?
Wen EvmFi Season?