Administrative Q - I have my DOT on my ledger. I assume GLMR wont initially be compatible with that so when you loan your DOT, are you able to identify a separate wallet to re...
with an auction giving you access to a slot for 2 years, what happens after 2 years? Will they not still need DOT to renew the lease? how will we get our DOT back if they need...
anyone know how to check what the commissions each collator is charging? I am on my subscan and can see the one im in charging 20%. i want to change but dont know how to tell ...
If I unbond on Moonbeam - can I immediately redelgate to a new person or do i wait the 28 rounds? I assume not an issue but just want to double check
@kingofdz would land sales as part of Zero be considered revenue with regards to rev distributions? Or would just the resale between people be?
@tko_xx quick question - if I have my LINK on my ledger, is there a way to stake without transferring it to my metamask first (ie directly from ledger)?
If I stake directly from my ledger for the LINK pool, will I need ETH on my ledger or will the ETH gas pay from my metamask?