Hi Skale Team, As per recent pricing model, do we have all chains paying effective this month? Where can we see these details whether all chains are paying or not? Is there a...
Where can we find the information about new monthly pricing proposals for chains on SKALE?
Hi Admin, What is the current team size of BAND protocol?
Hey there, what is the progress on Levitation project? No update recently
Hi Team, Are you working on metaverse stuff as well?
Can anyone answer my question? What is the frequency of transaction stats being updated? Why can’t it be live update?
What is current supply of OGN after the recent unlock?
Is it circulating Supply or total supply that goes up by 9.55% every year? How is the circulating supply is controlled every year?
Also when are you guys planning to launch Levitation?
Do we have a link for locked CRV token statistics?
How many tokens are going to be unlocked on Feb 5th?
Partners are leaving?
Why the transaction fee is still zero BAND for all transactions ? Didn’t we monetize?
Are we done with token release today?
What is the current utility of OGN ?
What is the exact date of final chunk of investor unlock? Heard it’s February…any date?
Testnet launch date finalized???
Will they be released across all the exchanges?