How does the price drop so dramatically.. Whale or bot?
I still don't understand, how people are making a monthly income out of hex.. without investing shit loads in the first place? As any real interest doesn't kick in until a lea...
Hey guys, When you stake hex...does it go on the price you paid for it, or does it get lock in at the current price?
How much you need to invest to be a squids ? 🐙
When you stake your hex do you recieve your original principal your interest or does your principal drop depending on price?
So do you have to have 1Thare in one stake ...or can you spread them out?... is there a scale info graphic on Tshares?
How will HEX do in the bear market, will it reflect BTC any thoughts or insights?
How many HEX are there in 1TShare?
How much do you need to invest to be at turtle status for staking?
Question.. can you put dollars among in HEX Calculator or do you have put hex among in... ?
So if testnet had started...does that mean your to late for the Pulse Airdrop?
Is there a Hex Conversion Calculator for USDC?
How much is 1 tshare worth now in USD... 6k?
Has HEX surpassed Sol in marketcap?