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I still don't understand, how people are making a monthly

income out of hex.. without investing shit loads in the first place? As any real interest doesn't kick in until a least a year?

I'm So confused.. lol
I get the ladder staking out from a year... but not monthly ROI

7 ответов

8 просмотров

go into stables. Hex produces high interest. Pile up enough stables, you're set. Hex keeps printing. You can stay ahead forever.

Could you explain that a bit more please?

what don't you understand so I can address it specifically?

The stables bit please lol sorry jus didn't get what you meant

slowly take profits so you don't hurt the price of hex. Build up enough STABLE COINS. USDC. Continue to use HEX as a money printer.

Ah right, and not reinvest profits back into hex instead of stables? Or you would cash out into stables to live on? I've got more in stables than hex right now considering some options. Anyone borrowed money on their other crypto holdings to buy more HEX, or just the same as buying hex with the other holdings directly?

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