I just traded some USDC for ETH on the main page of Curve. I thought it would go thru the Tricrypto pool. Instead, I see the transaction getting turned into Tether, and then i...
Let me see if I understand this correctly... In the hack, funds were stolen from Curve, but funds were not returned to Curve, they were returned to the Alchemix multi-sig. An...
So is the alchemix msig gonna somehow return some combination of alETH and ETH to participants in the pool?
Hi - I'm wondering if someone can help me understand staking vs locking. I see that the current yield for staking is 11.72% and that the current yield for locking is 14.85%. ...
when I look at the alETH pool on Curve, I see there's no money in it and still a huge number of LP tokens. So, I'm wondering what the process will be of restoring funds to LP...
How would I find the Ethereum address for the Curve Foundation?