#WM85 What is the currency symbol of EVER? Like $ is of USD. I've seen both Ē and Ê. Off the top of my head Ê makes more sense, because it contains an arrow. But in various po...
I know it's a bit late, but it's the first time I saw the hostile toncoin ads on Everscale News channel. Can we abandon telegram and move to discord?
What is the point of speculating now really?
Are there any Israeli here who managed to sell tokens and end up with dollars/shekels in their Israeli bank? I find it surprisingly difficult..
Why isn't GOSH on Everscale mainnet but instead on a seperate network?
@ilyarsoftware where are all accepted TIPs listed?
Did anyone understand how much of piggify is planned to be onchain?
On kucoin? It's supposed to be 10:00 utc
I'm really confused about stEver. Is it in any way related to validation staking?
Did I answer your questions?
Should we create a counter bot? 😁
Why does it take so much time?! oh right, I forgot to enter the password in the everscale wallet popup...
Hello, this is ADMIN. Do you need any assistance concerning our page? Don't miss the EVERSCALE
@madonna_90 is it possible to set up some captcha?
Well you can see the link to the website in https://twitter.com/Everscale_net Is that enough?
Well if not, why would it be called GOVERNANCE token?
@isheldon so your point is that nobody cares about what it stands for?
How can I buy those Ever gift cards?
Why does the TVL matter?
Why was it replaced with this?