Do I need to migrate my NFTs to chr appnet?
Is the bonus going to be the same for everyone? Or bigger bonuses for longer locks (this would be daft considering the sheer dilution of a billion tokens)
Does this ledger hack affect the viper wallet because there’s a ledger tab there?
I can’t vote, is it because all my gCoti is in the treasury?
Does anyone know the ratio for gCOTI/COTI snapshot?
How do I auto compound my rewards in the treasury without logging in everyday?
Wow moving away from DAG, I loved dag lol. We going to be regular blocks?
When will gCOTI be able to be used?
Is COTI a security? It’s classed as that in the sec binance law suit :/
If Coti v2 is permissionless then do we still need to be authorised to run a node or can we just spring one up?
When will the v2 tokens come out, this year or next?
Both native and erc - dropping the same date?
What type of apy boost are we looking at when gCOTI drops? Eg 1% per 10k gCOTI
Once MD2.0 is launched and CMD tokens can be issued will there be defi applications built on top of the trust chain?
Is there an airdrop or is that a scam lol? There’s a video on YouTube about it
Does the new apy start today?
How much bad debt is in anchor? I just saw a bunch of tweets where people have $500k in unpaid loans and NO collateral :/
I’m wanted to provide LP on terraSwap but when I had to approve it I got a message saying “increase_allowance on anchor” - why is it showing that?
Will you be able to stake CMD tokens?
I got 3 batches, is that from erc or native?