I just have one question, if there's such a large bot problem..how come everyone of my friends and family have gotten alot of drops this week? We all got in on most of the dro...
Would get sold out just as fast without bots when the mint numbers are sub 15k. When the bots are gone, what are you going to complain about then?
Anyone else having problems buying gems in the app? (Android)
Okay, people. 300-1000k users trying to buy a comic that has 29650 mints available. Can you try to use your brains a little? Every god damn time with blaming bugs, bots etc. S...
oMg aPp dOWn aGAin? 🤪 iM sELlinG AnD quITtInG tHiS sHIt sHow 🤪
Hey! My friend is trying to reset his password on the veve app, but when he clicks the link sent to him, it's broken. Any idea why this happens?
Was the winners of the Edo giveaway announced?
What about the retweets? Its low.