209 похожих чатов

I just have one question, if there's such a large

bot problem..how come everyone of my friends and family have gotten alot of drops this week? We all got in on most of the drops we've tried the last few weeks. We're doing nothing special. One phone each, regular wifi etc.

18 ответов

12 просмотров

People have gotten used to get things they wanna get. When they cant get it they will cry.

r t
People have gotten used to get things they wanna g...

Uhh no, there is clearly a problem, just because you or anyone has gotten "lucky" and or gotten drops doesn't mean we are "whining" we didn't get drops. There a multiple solutions they could implement but neglecting to, so our cries of frustration are warranted, not difficult to wrap your head around my friend

Obviously live in an area close to servers. It is extremely rare, or impossible for many others around the globe. Half the drops sell out before I even see a buy button. When I’m Lucky enough to see a button it’s pressed inside a second and then it’s sold out. 0/40+ now.

There are also a lot of people competing for the few available drops. Everyone can't win at the same time. Some win and some don't.

Cynthia AmaZix
There are also a lot of people competing for the f...

No, you and others need to quit using that bs blanket excuse, yes there are limited supplies but look at the ppl who have literally "somehow" managed to get every drop, every UR, sometimes in multiples. There is CLEARLY a problem veve isn't a addressing, and simple solutions they haven't put in place for reasons unknown. You give me one solid reason why there shouldn't be a captcha on every drop, or an implementation of kyc. You gimme a good reason and I'll drop this

Cynthia AmaZix
There are also a lot of people competing for the f...

Since I saw the video with the three mobile phones and he is getting a collectible at all three phones immediately without clicking it, I am very sad

Andrew B
No, you and others need to quit using that bs blan...

Hopefully, during the next AMA the issues raised will be addressed.

Cynthia AmaZix
There are also a lot of people competing for the f...

Where can I get this special accessibility feature? I have no fingers. All the team need to say is yup we see the issue, and we will work to fix it for everyone. The evidence of bots is conclusive and even tho it’s just a few the vol they get and succes rates screw it for everyone

Since I saw the video with the three mobile phones...

I think this incites people to use bots and of course it doesnt make me, the avarage collecter/user, want to waste money on the app anymore

Felix Gatt⭕
I think this incites people to use bots and of cou...

I am not participating tomorrow. Waste of fuckin time

David’s fr⭕️zen Hair Croc?
Where can I get this special accessibility feature...

👌 raise all the issue during the next AMA, I'm sure they'll will be addressed.

I really really hope so...but this has been a topic for weeks now..so im afraid the problem won't get addressed until a mass exodus of veve users occurs, which obviously aint good for the company. But I guess we'll see

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