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SUMMARY : Last intervieuw Taptrades and Rhyse. Veve side -promo code

system for future cooperation with companies.
For example cooperation for Toy factories. Invite codes to bring in people from the Toy industry.

- Active users VEVE
3.6 Total users including bots.
Without bots 2.6 million are real active users.
Biggest userbase are in the USA.

-Veve has 12 months + Data , they will use this to see how sit can apply well in utility.

-Some NFTs receive updates. Utility on the NFTs by example cars driving.

-Q2 about 2.5 month MTL

First the web platform will be created then KYC intergration applied. When the web platform is live then people can buy GEMS & cashout.
They will have tested everything because now they are on beta for some users.
They will do this in steps until max users in q2.

-KYC will make sure that unfortunately some people will not come back.
But the app is meant for the longterm. They have to deal with regulation.

There will be Ar glasses, but can't say too much about them yet. It is on the roadmap.

Many larger brands many artists who come on VEVE.
Exclusive products wil be added. valuable products to be sold through the web platform through own payment systems.

-Badge system will be there. RANKS via OUP.

-VEVE marketing will come soon through the promo code. this is 1 of the options. Big Influencers like CryptoRus wil be used for promo.

-They have 3 new DEVS. Team expand also for the products and demand.

-RHYSE says they are going to be 1 of the biggest company in the world.......??????It will be a house hold name.
If you dream about it then you can build it. There are many great success such as David Yu, Dan , alfred Kahn
They are limitless.They have created large funding, this allows them to create their own web platform and ensure that less is done by other companies.

This is being worked on. And will be seen as early as this year.
It will be built in sections. Phase 1, for example, will be an expansion of your Room and then they will expand it.
So it won't be direct ready player 1, but it will be first interactive.
There is no competition against other companies regarding metavers.They also want to keep the ability to send products to other metaverses.
Focus is high on metavers, they see this as the future.

-Multiple languages are added for VEVE.
It is difficult to add all the languages. They now find other things more important before there is more marketing.
They think cashout is more important now.

Omi side
Still on the table there is being discussed with higher hand.

- 3 Games are now being worked on externally. And will soon be applied internally via veve and Omi will be applied to the games.
1 Game will be Play to EARN!

- Omi is not only used for VEVE, Omi is used for different purposes. Omi is used in different things so that everyone benefits from it.

-They are working on feedback about the Omi token. They want to improve it. There will be an OUP in May.
There are Rewards for longterm and shortterm stakers.

-OMI can be sent to various ERC20 wallets.

They want a Cashback to STABLE coins.

4 ответов

12 просмотров

should have briefed it a bit 😄 but thanks for sharing.

J⭕️J⭕️- Автор вопроса

Facts: Tere is no way there are 2.6 mil users, everyone gets alot of drops now means there are 30k to 80k max. There is no date for MTL cause they have gems exploit issues, nft s are limited to app there is no imx utility. You cannot withdraw omi from wallet and has no utility, there are no new big exchanges even after erc20.

Dilut3D Nft
Facts: Tere is no way there are 2.6 mil users, eve...

Actually there is a misunderstanding here. Those data relates to Active accounts as the Team and Rhys stated, Not active users. Thanks for your concern.

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