So i sold c3po at 4500 right away i gave 8.5% free to veve and lost 390$ . From those 4100 left i have to give veve free 10% and be left with 3700. After that my country takes...
Hello, what is the minimum coins for staking moonbeam glmr?
Did anyone withdrew gems to usd succesfully, can someone confirm it works ? It seems like they dont exist and i need confirmation instead of roumors.
Only people with 1000 + gems can cash out?
Has veve team sell gems directly to some people to bypass gem limit and apple/google fees? Are they the one who have acces to beta mtl? If not who has acces to mtl?
Can anyone confirm MTL beta testing worked and succesfully withdrew from app? Seems wierd noone can, is like specific people had acces.
Is there anyone here that has or know someone to withdraw gems /usd from veve? Can anyone confirm that it works?
Does anyone know when i click buy now i recived a new time countdown?and after that a processing that never ends
Is mtl confirmed or what is the big news about May?
How many users curently have the payout function enabled? Or is this information classified?
How much usd has been withrawn trough mtl so far? How many users had acces?
So payout has been moved to mid-july ?great...that s q3
Anyone withdraw gems to usd yet?
All payments are erc20 even busd?
Hello, a friend made new account and he does not have send gems function?
Payout works?
When will it happen, like 2 weeks?