Hii. Question about the move to immutable. 1. Immutable is on Eth chain, so to convert nft to omi, my omi needs to be on Eth chain? So the process is veve (sell to omi) > tfr...
Am i the only one getting pissed off by the thousands and millions of notification sent by veve? damn, i bookmarked it doesnt mean i want to receive every fricking time when s...
Hello. I heard that many people are being banned or restricted from the app. Does any admin here know what is going on?
Ok thanks. Can I deposit into my veve account?
Heyyy when was jurassic Park poster dropped? And how much was it? It shows zero dollar
Fiat to omi to gem and gem to omi to fiat has always been the plan. Now I am not sure what role omi has to play? I tot the dump was cus of the volatile market, now I am thinki...
Hello! what happen to IMX.. did i missed that out, or it is still not live? was supposed to be live end of last month right?
How do u know if u are eligible for secret rare?
Off market transactions will result in ban? Oh they didn't tell u?
Platform fees are at 7.5% when we sell, sure. Cus we are using the platform. But 10% withdrawal? Sounds like double charge to me.
I still have 4 pending to be delivered. Isit normal?
What is the plan?
Hello. I need some help. Okx has been banned in my country, where else can I send my omi to?
Hello. Can I withdraw all my omi from bitforex to the app?
do u know if i have to put in my credit card details first?