209 похожих чатов

Hii. Question about the move to immutable. 1. Immutable is

on Eth chain, so to convert nft to omi, my omi needs to be on Eth chain? So the process is veve (sell to omi) > tfr from veve to exchanges > sell omi to fiat?

2. Will we still list nft on veve marketplace or opensea?

3. Eth gas fees apply for each sale + the veve license n marvel license fee?

7 ответов

7 просмотров

What do you mean convert NFT to OMI?

Ray- Автор вопроса
What do you mean convert NFT to OMI?

Sorry. Selling nft for omi in veve marketplace

Hey there'll be more details coming https://t.me/ecomi/892243

No gas fees on immutableX, its layer 2

Hey man where u been!

Busy time of year for me at work 7 days/week :)

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