hey - i had FPIS Locked as veFPIS and my lock just expired. I had Claimable Rewards that have been accruing while my FPIS was locked. The lock period just ended yesterday and ...
Blast has 3000 teams trying to launch on their L2. this is what happens with great marketing.. https://x.com/blast_l2/status/1757111293193199772?s
anyone have any opinions on whether to claim $PRISMA as $cvxPRISMA via Convex or $yPRISMA via Yearn?
have any FXTL airdrop balances been distributed by Convex to date for $cvxFXS holders? @c2tp_eth
do revs automagically start flowing now that we hit 100% or devs need to do something?
time to go shill $sfrxETH to degen spartan https://twitter.com/DegenSpartan/status/1684473062421594112?s
has anyone been able to buy cheap CRV on chain anywhere?
helllo, i have not been accumulating any CRV rewards for the past 12+ hrs in the Arbitrum tricrypto pool. Anyone know why?