209 похожих чатов

Hey - i had FPIS Locked as veFPIS and my

lock just expired. I had Claimable Rewards that have been accruing while my FPIS was locked. The lock period just ended yesterday and now it is showing me i have 0 claimable yield and can only withdraw my locked FPIS… how do i claim my rewards accrued?

5 ответов

17 просмотров

just claim the unlocked FPIS it will auto trigger any rewards claim when u withdraw normally

cryptohuntz- Автор вопроса
just claim the unlocked FPIS it will auto trigger ...

ok thanks will try this. when i click Withdraw Unlocked FPIS it only shows the unlocked amt coming into my wallet on Rabby wallet, doesnt show the Rewards also..


cryptohuntz- Автор вопроса
just claim the unlocked FPIS it will auto trigger ...

this did NOT work. i only received my FPIS that unlocked. and now oddly enough in the UI it is showing a portion of my Claimable Reward to Claim Yield now, but its not the full amount that i had earned

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