Will lattice exchange have daily withdrawal/deposit limit? Or, will people be limited by lattice exchange's liquidity?
@SethVi Can you have a look at my offline DAG node authentication proposal? This is an improvement for security.
Is kucoin the only exchange where I can buy and sell DAG?
Does sentinel desktop client require root privilege? I couldn't use desktop client for some unknown reason.
Does soft node staking serve any network purpose? For example, staking ADA secures ADA cryptocurrency.
Is constellation going to add privacy features to DAG? It's too transparent now. Perhaps, people should look for privacy somewhere else? Is it possible to add privacy coins o...
Does lattice gateway already have its own internal cross-chain swap functionality?
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSedYL99XNMZ92pZyeVKkzjdZdSRnd9yIixqCkzkXfHcxDdI6Q/viewform?fbzx=-771305720579366306 says Welcome to the MainNet 2.0 Node Whitelist App...
What are L0 and L1?
Where can I get the latest news on DAG and constellation? dagchads.com doesn't give me latest news.
Will DAG nodes need to expose seed phrases or indirectly require exposing seed phrases?
L0 = native tokens. L1 = foreign cryptocurrencies and foreign tokens?
How can I use sentinel CLI client? Can anyone show me example commands?
So, LCX and kucoin are the only exchanges where I can buy and sell DAG?
Is each lattice exchange wallet going to have its own seed phrase?
Is DoD behind the creation of DAG? Or, is it just a big client of DAG?
Are old DAG transaction records going to be pruned in DAG nodes?
Is there anyone who runs a mainnet DAG node or a testnet DAG node?
How do I get the list of accepted currencies programmatically?
Will sentinel linux desktop clients require root privilege?