what happened to DAI ?
so whats the news? hoow many bnb will be liquidated? it will dump price more?
hi, what to do with kava now? if staking is no more working , with 0 rewards.. how will you secure network? no more motivation to stake kava ?
I dont see any special updates about kava chain.. and price is going up.. is there any special event because of it?
any admin? there ale total fatal errors on venus new version, cannot repay usdt for example, some fatal errors about "cannot estimate gas fees.." transfer amount exceeds allow...
is there any official annoucement from atom developers about SEC that atom is securities? will cosmos attack this in lawsuit? like to be sure that SEC will be stopped to attac...
is on new design also switch button to see daily apy with reward xvs or without it?
omg I see 2 groups the kava platform on telegram,one, this has 19 933 people and another has 18914 ... is one of them scam ?
hello , about that new lending ATOM, what that means? if I supply atom there, I will get rewards in ATOM, or in kava? and it will be also locked for 1 year? because no informa...
hello is neutron airdrop for atom stakers legal and safe to connect there wallet? thanks for answer
hello, how oftern price of swap is refreshing to actual price ?
hello are trust wallet devs here? trust wallet is not working and not connecting to bsc explorer web 3, with updated actual version of trust wallet, please check it out
hello, can anyone explain me, how its possible that price showed on kava platform for usdx shows 0,99 usd , and busd shows 1,00 usd but on swap shows 1 usdx to busd only 0,96...
great so kava app platform not working???????
hello admin / devs .. I see issue on kava platform now.. I wanted to borrow usdx from BNB .. transaction was approved and passed .. on explorer I see that I have in wallet US...
will be on kava app atom depositing making rewards also in kava? because now shows only hard token but in promo text there is also logo of kava token, so whats reality?
hello, what happened to kava transaction fees? before it worked with 0,01 fee for example, now it want 0,1 kava fee for transaction? did you something changed?
are kava devs here? i found maybe security problem on transfers atom to kava network.. i used deposit button and there asked me where I want to send my atoms from cosmos netw...
Hello, devs changed something? Like automatically sending stake reward to wallet after few days? Because untill now i had to collect reward.. And i saw yesterday that it f...
are you deleting my messages?