Also, where I can see CR ratio of FRAX? Cant find it in Frax facts
Guys, one more question, who knows revenue of Frax? Because DefiLama writes about 30k/week, I think there is some mistake
Guys, I cant find info about withdrawing from sFRAX vault, it it possible any time or in case of 100% utilization users have to wait until next Wednesday? Please add such info...
Hello! I have CAKE in locked staking, apy now is 107%. The question is, will this apy decrease because time to maturity (time to unlock tokens) decreases? I don't take here a...
Hello! Guys, when Yearn is going to implement DOVs strategies? From Opyn, for example
How can i define, if i do trade with Raydium AMM and pay big fee or I do it with Serum and pay a small fee?
Hello! Guys, Ive heard that ATLAS staking become alive in october, it it truth?
Hello! I wander, why fees so hight? UI shows that I pay 0,22/-3 bps fees taker/maker