can you still mine even if the browser is close? let say you set mining for 20 mins you cclose it then open the browser after mins and wait?
may i know the example or idea if i stake it for 1 month?
by the way, why theres a need of etherium addrees in the airdrop form?
how do i know that i can play alienworld in fullblast? and how can make my CPU cooldown or make fast recover?
what is the maximum time you can mine in a planet / land?
good morning guys hows everyting?
it thrills me ^_^ what if i staked more waxp will ill gain more TLM while mining in alienworld? 1 TLM from 10am - 4pm current wax staked is 86.
where can i review my mined TLM?
every mission guarantees NFT?
can i still claim it?
the testnet ROSE token is already the airdrop? or aside from it there is a airdrop in participating the Testnet?
waiting for yuzuswap. do you have a link for the TG about the project? AFAIK rose will be the main token of yuzuswap?
question if i stake and leave waxp in CPU will earn let say i leave 2000 waxp what will i expect for 1 month?
more staked WAXP in CPU means more TLM to be mined? does the ram VOLUME or more ram gives more mined TLM?
the testnet of emerald will become the mainnet and that would used to received the yuzu airdrop?
okay im done for today....another 24 hours reset? then 12 hours of game play T_T
how much WAXP staked to able to play for 12 hours a day?
do i get benefit when i stake TLM in planet?
in order to join the mission i need bep20 TLM?
hi guys mining again... em i doing fine?