Btw wes, what's your take on luna/ust and its implications for usdl? I know there isn't a direct relationship in any way, but its hard to deny there will be scrutiny and proba...
Will we be able to use lgcy as gas on the network? If not, should it be considered?
Actually if a third of lgcy has been burned, doesn’t that mean the proportion of permanently staked lgcy has gone up? Or was it actually a third of what was left?
Are there not enough GBs? I got like a spare 50 lgcy can I be one?
Justin was saying that there would be retrospective rewards when other GBs come online. So as long as we plan to stake later, we are sort of already staking in spirit now?
is the erc-lrc bridge being built from scratch internally?
Hey I’ve been looking at [your project] for awhile too and it looks great. So wen mainnet?
Are the legionnaire pfp a new nft project?
Hello there, I have no talent whatsoever. Who can I talk to about the grand emperor position in lgcy? Thanks
We expecting an update today? Hawaii time?
Is this what they mean by multi-sig?