Tried sending a test transaction of .002 BTC from my distribution from venmo to coinbase. It's been confirmed on block explorer for 3 hours and pending on coinbase. Any idea w...
Are there tax benefits to repaying the loan and receiving BTC and then selling off enough to pay myself back over just taking the balance in cash?
Been in this 3x long for 43 days. First time I'm in profit, do I close out or let it ride?
Is it better for earn customers for the price of BTC to go up or does it not matter?
What is an airdrop? Is there a tutorial site or video on staking? I have about 400 LUNA I'd like to stake but I have no idea what my best options are or how to do it
Close it or wait 3 days?
Is there a customer service agent here I could get info from?
Is anyone else having trouble opening Terra station mobile?
Why exactly does 500k link get dumped every Friday?