Is there a way to prevent users from openeing large files in Centos 6/7 ?
Linux expert. Question on lsof. I have a system where lsof never completes. Any pointers on what could be the issue ?
In Puppet is it possible to add nameservers in random order at each puppet run ?
Could anyone point me to a technical computer science ebook group. ?
Arch you have to configure every bits and pieces correct ?
After which you started this group ?
I7 should be good enough ?!?
Did you try LFS ?
Please help me understand. Any links ?
Any suggestion on how to get trained on Devops ?
After PID 1234 dies. Any process after that never gets PID 1234 ?
Should I just install it ? And that’s itself is a puzzle?
Like the installation of that distro forces me to learn it ?
should I do lean console only installation ?
There is such thing called Os-uninstaller ?
What exactly in this distro website ?
Why do you want to distro hope?
what is your dns server ?
What answer did you get ?
Why Gentoo or GuixSD ?