How long does it take to successfully withdraw BUSD from KAVA chain to Binance chain using Trust Wallet?
What are the leaders' scores? No. of HARD, SWP and KAVA?
Is there an updated KAVA validators with their yield and fee schedule for staking KAVA with?
Does "unload" count as one (1) IBC transfer?
Re: LOAN WARS. Once IBC transferred to Kava, can I use Trust Wallet (instead of Keplr) to manage the assets?
My browsers take a long time to display the figures such as balances, APY, rewards, etc. Tried different Chrome and Mozilla, both also lag for about 15 min before displaying ...
When is the result of Loan Wars expected? I remember it should be end of Jan
Are there still enough "days" remaining to perform at least 5 days of IBC transfers?
Anyone kind enough to post the updated unofficial leaderboard? @NotDenisRublev
How are the leaders doing at 11th, 60th and 200th places? Approximate scores of these places
If borrow APY is 2.50%, and I borrowed $100,000 how much will I need to pay daily?
What about using liquidation protocols to buy up auctioned assets?
Hi, any ETA on the loan wars rewards payout?
Can't borrow USDX. Is the max reached already?
Loan Wars results should be soon. Prizes distributed immediately following announcement of results?
Why are there two networks Loan Wars and Loan Wars IBC on Keplr? Are they the same?
When is first batch of HARD 12-month unlocked?
How much commission does Blocks United charge now?
Loan Wars payout already voted on?
APY changed on the last day?? Gosh