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Re: LOAN WARS. Once IBC transferred to Kava, can

I use Trust Wallet (instead of Keplr) to manage the assets?

4 ответов

10 просмотров
Ben KJM- Автор вопроса

Thanks. Just need Keplr to do the mandatory 5 IBC transfers, then once the assets are on KAVA platform, can resume using my Trust Wallet.

Thanks. Just need Keplr to do the mandatory 5 IBC...

I can't see any reason why the trust wallet wouldn't work for the non-ibc transfer parts

Ben KJM- Автор вопроса

Not sure if Trust Wallet will be disabled for the testnet, since the main purpose of this Loan Wars is to test the Keplr Wallet

Not sure if Trust Wallet will be disabled for the ...

I doubt it as you still need to use Keplr atleast 25 times over 5 days

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