How about you? Anything new for us?
@defiants_Tony since there’ll be double integration between ORE ID and TIDV wouldn’t ORE have to be supported by Avax too?
Any plans to host staking and LMs for gaming projects as well?
@defiants_Ryan is team still working on making Fundrs supported with mobile phones?
@defiants_Ryan what are all the ways to earn rALBT? Is staking ALBT for rALBT still open?
Noob question @defiants_Satori Any connection between Allianceblock and the metaverse?
@defiants_Jack when is testnet ending?
I visted the Data Tunnel website and I saw that an SDK will become available and an API too Is this true? @defiants_Tony
Last question 😅 Do we have any upcoming AMAs? At least for projects launching on Fundrs?
@defiants_Satori any upcoming AMAs?