How to count Big-O notation for if statement?
#include <stdio.h> int main(){ int jmlsiswa,i,nilai,kesalahan; char namasiswa; printf("Masukkan Jumlah Siswa : "); scanf("%d",&jmlsiswa); for(i=1;i<=jmlsiswa;i++){...
#include <stdio.h> int menghitungCelcius(int celcius,int reamur,int kelvin); int main(){ int celcius,reamur,kelvin; printf("Masukkan derajat suhu CELCIUS yang akan dikonve...
How to fix this in VSCode?
How can i start Fibonacci from 0 with this algorithm? or should i use another algorithm?
#ask How to sort array 2D string by using selection sort?
#Ask Why the result is false?
if i have jdk 13 and I want to move to jdk 14 should i uninstalled the jdk 13?
#Ask why i can't use String?
#Ask I already created a jar file from my JavaFx and when i try to click it, it didn't do anything, i used JDK 14 and SDK 14 for JavaFx , What should i do?
#include <stdio.h> int main(){ char kalimat[100]; printf("Masukkan Kalimat: "); gets(kalimat); int i=0; char *p; while(*p){ if(*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z')i++; #ask ...
#include <stdio.h> int main(){ int i; for(i=1;i<=14;i++){ printf("%d",i); } } how to change the output 3,6,9,12 to 0 in loops? example : 120450780101101314
used_char <<< what's that means?
yes,i confuse with that,how to call my function ?
#include <stdio.h> int main(){ for (int angka = 0;angka < 501; angka++){ printf("Angake Ke %d\n,",angka); } } why the for is error?
#ask why if i click the jar file it doesn't respond?but when i ran the jar file with CMD it works,is there any solution?
#Ask Why there's no Java(TM) Platform SE binary ? i can't open my .jar file, is there any solution?
#ask why i can't input Y/N if i use nextLine()? if it in C i can use fflush(stdin) , what should i do?
#Ask does this warning is really important?can i still make a jar file with this warning?
How can i use both String and Number?