import LodashModuleReplacementPlugin from 'lodash-webpack-plugin'; import HtmlWebPackPlugin from 'html-webpack-plugin'; import MiniCssExtractPlugin from 'mini-css-extract-plug...
Hiii, I have two schema, PostSchema and UserSchema. Every user can bookmark a post and I defined a field in post schema like the following: bookmarks: [{type: String, ref:'Us...
Can anyone optimize this code to es6? function maxLength(a, k) { function sumOfArray(arr) { return arr.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); } var sub_array = []; for (var ...
Hi I have the following codes: let body = ''; const parserRules = [ { pattern: /((\{\{\ *article\:\ *)(\d+)(\ *\}\}))/gm, replacement: <ArticleItem id='$3' /> } ]; body = a...
I'm using webpack 4 and I don't have uglifyJs in my configs but when I want to build my project webpack throw the following error to me: ERROR in main.772d598036a9d5a334a1.bun...
Hi, I have a map inside react render and I want group data with same type in a div like the following: product and article are my data type in map. product product article pro...
What can i named this collection?
I have a component and I replace that with a word in a string by replace method but my problem is in the view display [object Object]. How can I display react component betwee...
Hi, I want to c++ coding in mac os. in what IDE i can coding? in windows os I'm using visual studio but in Mac os I don't know!
Hey, I want to develop like feature using expressjs and mongoDB. Is this structure ok?
if the user only can have 20 favorites, Can i use that solution?
Is there any way to bundle all files in a directory with webpack? without set a static entry point
Can I create form and panel in xcode like visual studio?
Who used createBottomTabNavigator from react-navigation?
Oh! What can I do instead?