Any algorithm capable of modifying threading and cycles, are automatically top tier of speeding up a progress or functionality, how do you think CPUs are becoming faster with ...
You think a language such as haskell will make a browser more popular because the choosen language is haskell?
Since you want to imply that 2 machines needs traffic in order to communicate then why do we need Assembly and a CPU? There are several machines/devices that communicate with...
Yes, have you seen the void?
You wanna know why a computer is a container? Because it's a 0v5 voltage hyper machine that is controlled by electricity that holds data but also is data thus making it an abs...
Is there a heart in my brain? No but is there a heart in my nervous system? Yes.
Do you even know how a CPU/hardware language work?
@viferga can i send a music video pleaseee. you won't regret the decision. What if the music is about programming? Would that be considered ontopic?
Have you ever seen one outs?
Never heard of anyone doing that?
Are you okay with that?
Did you also see the Windows thing article? Of chinese people exploting softwares to exploit users.
How many libs support C compared to C++? C = less libs C++ more libs.
Alright, was there anything interesting in the coding folder?
What if the bot doesn't follow the rules of telegram API?
So why did you comment on what i said if i was already right?
"Teasing noobs is my hobby" what happened to trolling? HM?
What was the symbols used for crashing my device?
Do you think you could draw that scene above?
C libs can be implemented in C++ right? Actually Nvm.