I was watching a tv programme last night about the release of the ‘One Coin’ a few years back, it very much reminded me of the way that B1 marketed / sold EOS, I recommend yo...
Dan has lost the plot https://youtu.be/tOIG3-lsngQ?si=JU97CwaP7ggdoIzt
Can I ask a survey question? If you needed a task or job completed would you ever use the new web 3 Job board, we are currently considering including additional languages and ...
Hi @jestagram just reading an ENF publication that states: ‘Greymass's team is exploring innovative ways to write data to RAM using these unique features of EOS Native.’ Als...
How many would not use an application due to this way of thinking? I would say it’s a very small amount, when 99% of existing modern applications use this form registration
What makes me laugh you guys keep slagging off the team that are doing their best to improve and increase the EOS value, but tell me what would you do differently?
Anyone tried https://job-board.io yet?
Yea I knew that was coming, I wonder why you don’t show your photo, too ugly? 😂
What’s the EOS public key account name?
Isn’t this your own one? 🤔
Nice message from Dan https://twitter.com/vampishbeef/status/1528908736709935104?s=21&t=WwIVf4bplSfx50ccfjkTGg
What would you do if you had the chance to make eos the chain of choice and bring value back to the community?
How you know??
How do you suggest they can do the work necessary without funds?
This chain is a constant roller coaster ride, what will EOS haters Say if Dan leaves again?
What’s everyone’s view on Brocks new NFT.com project and the fact it’s running on ETH ??
Did anyone attend the EOS Global Hackathon in 2018 across various cities?
So who wants to be in a fractally group with me?
I put a message up have you?