DNS / Connection issue on client side then? not sure with ios one since i don't have any apple device. also first time i heard iOS / Safari specifically have that kind of p...
Would Recommend this one http://www.stroustrup.com/4th.html or directly trough the puglisher site, http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/click?id=/TDPPeRUMm4&offerid=163217.1000...
Any Reference to that Wikileaks that you mention?
Any example? AFAIK, If one that something on Hero header most of it are Actual video file (webm/mp4)
where did you store the header files? is it have been included on compiler search path?
btw what you going to do with the sources? (if any) Just curious 🤔
I Guess this should be available on Windows API?
even with different browsers?
use direct OpenGL/Vulkan API Then? 🤔
from termux i guess? 🤔
What Unity? Unity3D?
vbox, vmware & qemu?