Hey guys, got a question about what algorithms I can use to potentially solve this problem - quickly. Speed is important Did some research but haven't found much of anything ...
Do you guys agree with this testing philosophy and/or have anything to add to it? "Test the common case of everything you can. This will tell you when that code breaks after ...
In lodash FP, you can do map('id') for example to pull out the IDs in an array of objects with the key id. Can I do that in Ramda? Seems like I'd have to compose my own functi...
Hey Thomas, I'm super late on this challenge but I felt like I know enough JS now to participate. Is this a valid answer? I coded this at work hehe ['♣️', '♥️', '♦️', '♠️']....
Yes of course, and that would be ideal for many security reasons. But how do I make it so you click a button for example, and chrome begins a file download, using modern pure...
It's interesting. A good mix of HTML structure and JavaScript that just makes sense to me. It feels familiar. Vue feels like handlebars, HTML on steroids but I still can't do...
Hey guys, Say I have a linear regression, using Stochastic Gradient Descent, I can compute the necessary change to the slope and y-intercept like so: slope = slope + error *...
Is there some way to globally die on any unhandled promise in Node?
Hey guys. I'm running into some weird issues with Vue. I opened my project and I noticed I'm getting errors for some of my components. "Failed to mount component: template o...
What's the best way to get an invite link for this group or any other group for The Devs?
Well think about your data as is, why do you have 35 separate variables? Why can't you have an array of arrays, then just loop through the array and save a separate file for e...
Why check for the type? Why not just do if(variable) { // Do stuff }
What are your opinions on employers job requirements? They are getting pretty crazy sometimes. I saw one recently wanting 10yrs of C# experience for a basic task. Or wanting a...
Speaking of composed functions, is there any reason to prefer compose over pipe?
C++ has smart pointers that features memory management but it doesn't have a garbage collector correct?
8600k and a 1050Ti? Absolutely just make sure you get a decent brand
So I know what a Set is, and I've read about WeakSets but still have questions. Is it primarily a JS thing? I haven't seen other languages have anything like it
You want to learn OpenGL to create computer graphics using the OpenGL library in C++? Nice. So we established what you want. You know you want a PDF. Google provides ways to ...
Any good resources on building scalable applications in JS?
Why do you think you need it? It really depends on what you want to do in computer science. You could be doing Machine Learning models, computer vision, video games, or web de...