Guys do you know any spammer telegram cli to send huge number of message to a chat? 🤔 ( this is not for spamming anybody I know with one button report it stops I want for some...
So as you can say from documents What should I put in question mark $inlinequery = $update-> ? ->query; 😑😑😑😑 My whole question answer is just one word that I can't find
What's problem with it?
Guys telegram bot what does sends in update in inline mode I mean getting inline query from update in php What should I get in update from ? I mean this : $inlinequery = $...
So my question is Is there any idea to detect this kind of links?
So you answered my question you don't set webhook for this 🤔 how many update do you gets ? If I'm not mistaken it needs value of update numbers
Hi guys I have connected to database with php and I want to put one field value in a row to a variable and try to use it can you help me how to do it?
Json to what? 😳
I got this solution too but I couldn't know how this handled can you explain this to me?
Does it work? 🤔 I tried this in php it didn't work I font know what problem is with the code😶
Guys do you know a telegram bot that zip files? I want to send one file and get zip format
And Last question🙄 Does they teach in English in university or just Norway language🙁?
I have a question if one row that I want doesn't exists in database what it returns how to know it?
Hi who worked with mangodb in php?
Guys one question if I want to move form that borderStyle is none what event can I use ?
Guys do you know how to update PHP in web host (Direct admin)?
Can you tell me a example to use html form in php ?
🤔 does it has veterinary medicine university?
Can this bot detect inline keyboard link?🤔
What's the problem with it 😑?