Похожие чаты

So as you can say from documents What should I

put in question mark

$inlinequery = $update-> ? ->query;
My whole question answer is just one word that I can't find

3 ответов

3 просмотра

inlineQuery ... I take it you won't read it

First the official documentation of telegram's API doesn't have anything to do with your question, as it seems from your question, you're using a PHP wrapper for telegram, so which one, and refer to their docu to get to know how to use inline

There will be so many one words in yiur career You have to learn to search and read and read. Easy way to find any index: save the incoming JSON string into a text file or send it back to yourself like a sandbox mode. Then you can use online JSON parser websites that can help you better understand the JSON data.it's like an array and not hard at all

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