What cloud services do most use here for personal hosting and deploying apps? Guess the most important aspect would be security and access control and be cost effective
What's a good static site generator that you recommend based on experience?
Hey guys, is there any way to run commands in background for processes that won't work using "&" or nohup?
Help me decide, Should I install mint or Ubuntu for now?
No programming girls here?
So you want to take up all the effort of formatting the sites layout entirely from server side and send it?
Hey guys, anyone know where I can discuss about Apple products?
hey guys, what's the best way to shh to your pc which uses dynamic ip?
Aah I see... Know any Hacker's group on telegram? Which also provides links to resources maybe?
Hey, anyone here worked on Apache druid?
I have this huge spring application, everytime I make a change building it takes a while... What's the best was to append only those changes to the target build?
whats PR? Hakuna Mattata? that went above my head
Hey guys, do you know of any great free software that'll help make a logo? Could be a native or web app..
Hi guys, is there any application that could help manage server environment details, such as hostnames, port, username/password etc?
anyone programming in Lue?
Oh k.. How good is it? Is it applicable for any task? How is it compared to python in terms of library support for ML and web frameworks if any
Yeah, so why would it make people go mad if someone is on a different distro? Ultimately you use it only to get your job done
Do you guys have any noticeable performance improvement using arch or anything you customized?
DU = dirty unicorn?
What's the best db to process 1B rows of data as quickly as possible?