1) Google allows unsafe search after enabling them. It just requires an additional step 2) Google shows you relevant data for you based on your searches... Nothing wrong with...
You should also fear every node in Tor since you are suggesting it's possible a MITM. The weakest point is the exit node. Also, I read ages ago that NSA controlled many exit...
Can someone explain me this function? I don't fully understand it function f(a, b) { b = b || {}; if (b[a]) return b[a]; if (a <= 1) return 1; return b[a] = f(a - 1, b) ...
What about maintaining the whole net? DNS, spam filers, switch, electricity, core routers
Yeah, then why don't we witness such improvements nowadays?
Why so many blocked users?😂
Do you guys have an idea? Google cloud is blocking port 25 therefore I can't use postfix... What should I do?
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Cmon there's no way you can actually serve a website like YouTube... The majority of people surf the web with their phone... Are you actually storing Gbs of videos in each dev...
A copy of his ID and passport as well?
@TRGWII heard of Idris? Thoughts?
But what's wrong if you ask money for your product?
I am scared to ask but..... What are you doing?😂
Are you in other groups too?
@austriker You could use Google voice! :) Free SMS! https://support.google.com/voice/answer/115116?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en
@Lulzx man can you run ffmpeg on 000?
@Lulzx can you show us how you code?
@TRGWII your thoughts on Forth?
What if I want to prevent users from accessing my website with a vpn therefore block certain IPs or block some countries?