I'm on a project making a dynamic CSS preprocessor which seamlessly includes JavaScript. So my idea of the css preprocessor's syntax looks like this: function test(x) { ...
Have y'all looked at svelte? It's hella sick
Well it can be for pure aesthetics. I've picked a good mechanical keyboard and made it match with my room's accent color. Why wouldn't it be about aesthetics? I mean on every ...
Certainly you want a good looking setup don't you? You wouldn't use a cardboard keyboard on your neat black stained glass table with three gaming monitors just because it has ...
How often are functional libraries for js used for production?
I've made a program, which searches for source code files on the PC and it puts invisible Unicode characters everywhere so it doesn't compile, are you scared of my malware yet...
What would that do? Ive never really programmed functional but still interested
afaik there's no shadow dom unlike other templating engines?
yo guys ive made a clientside module system because i couldnt get requirejs to work consistently. What do you think about it? https://github.com/XaoticLabs/module.js
How do you mean it should run correctly in strict mode? Should we add "use strict"; at the top? Basically make the whole thing in strict mode
I'm looking for interesting JavaScript libraries of any sort, which do you guys like?
Isn't that something angular does?
What do you guys think about vaporwave?
I was in hell, it was made out of PHP and the structure of hell is full with dollar signs and arrows and I'm just like ???
Language: js Source: var num = 4; console.log("num is " + (num & 1 ? "Odd" : "even")) Result: num is even
You could use the with statement then I guess but i think it was slow or something, wasn't it?
Does it have to be returned directly? Or could it be stored in a variable
i guess its safe to use to make it available for older browsers then?
hows this? feel free to tell me what to make better
like does the client not have any javascript enabled?