Now 05.56 UTC… time countdown 18.04 left to september.. Ivan where are u?
Sir, can i ask? Event mobox mystery box at binance? Legendary already minted? @fatboy_mobox @KJ_moboxPh
Any body know base chain contract?
What is spedn?
Any news will come out this week? @fatboy_mobox
1 punk token what price now?
@fatboy_mobox sir, why i cannot sell my epic hero and legend hero i get from voucher spin?
Sir, if i play TM now.. and i move my momo to momoverse.. my TM skill reset or not? @ivan_mobox can answer sir?
Sir, if momo avatar from binance ready to sent? Can i sent to bsc wallet, does it support ? @fatboy_mobox @KJ_moboxPh
How many apy can i get in year?
Tq.. amp still not mainnet yet?
Bakeryswap have mechanism burn bake?
What happen if mbox list at coinbase, momo verse, new game listing in 2 week? Mbox will moon
Momoverse alpha test still on schedule in q1 ?
Token master has any problem?
Wow, who get this? I want it new epic
@satella1306 sir, so TM this season end or still continue?
How many ball u use? U use superball or blue ball?