A new gaming fund by Immutable and Polygon Labs hopes to raise $100M https://twitter.com/Blockworks_/status/1770208746586739017?t=A7mhbr_H4_gsPfNYaAfNmg&s=19
Guys https://www.nouvelobs.com/economie/20211202.OBS51720/ubisoft-la-blockchain-a-le-pouvoir-de-changer-le-jeu-video.amp This is an amazing interview with Ubisoft in French,...
Hello @Patrick_Ultra I was searching about last time you talked about Amd and when you did, you talked about recurrent meetings, is it still relevant?
@farfaraway What do you think about Epic changing his mind and trying to be the hero after steam's move https://www.ign.com/articles/steam-bans-blockchain-games-nfts-crypt...
https://twitter.com/Project_Citadel/status/1738217933220786590?t=jiHovwwHfzddZMIMtGReRA&s=19 This video is really hyping. The sound is stunning, and visually really beautiful...
Someone is responding a lot about age of rust tweet with pavilion hub, phantasmachain https://twitter.com/tommag127/status/1450207847397171206?t=XTJ3zduMbwgG0JmkE_03YQ Do we...
@farfaraway who is the other publisher who can right away use blockchain in game design 👀😂? These smiles are magical after what said Yves haha
@farfaraway how was this last Ultra chill episode? If you can describe it with just 1 adjective, what would it be?
@farfaraway what would say to defend ultra when looking at this video? https://youtu.be/_noey_NmZV0 This could be interesting that you make an article or video to answer on ...
Wednesday Rami said the Ultra chill will be delayed for a couple of days with then a surprised new crispy episode for the AAA exclusive FPS + marketing on their side. Should ...
How does it work Twitter Space? Do we need to do something before in order to join it? Is it possible to look the live in replay? I'm asking about this for the today Q&A on Tw...
Hello @farfaraway hope you're fine and will have a happy holiday season. do we have a chill episode tomorrow and if so is it possible to have the subject ?
https://twitter.com/Tuperoir/status/1458524842706227201?t=E2R0n0DH4jFQ63l2aAJ44w&s=19 @Crypt_Bro 😁👀
We are waiting for the Uniq Marketplace then and see if Microsoft plan partnership in some ways with that like integrating Ultra Standard on his own Marketplace?
Do we know what will be the next chill episode subject or it will be announced end of week? (to be published end of next week)
Is it already known topic ? It's indie games topic on Twitter https://twitter.com/i/topics/1403407197669715972