Why not just say it’s going to be assassins creed infinity? That comes out 2022 I’m sure that’s the exclusive right? 😂
If steam is doing this it makes me wonder how Xbox or Sony will act. I feel like it’s gonna take a big time publisher *cough* ubisoft *cough* to make an imprint. Because I’m a...
Are you referring to politics then? I’m sure we can generally agree certain things are out of bounds especially in relation to other users who don’t want to hear it.
Has ultra thought about maybe adding parental features? Someone brought up a good point on Twitter that we’re dealing with real items of value here.
Like shouldn’t a ceo of a company be confident? Does he want him freaking out like everyone else and cowering in fear?
Why weren’t you complaining about this before ? https://thewalkingdead.sandbox.game/#/en bad sign right?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WLXviOwdt4 CEO'S ON THE PAUL BARRON NETWORKKKKK
Another guy who wants marketing for his bags… do you think millions of users are going to come from promoting a game that they are still in the process of testing within waves...
They push back so hard against innovation?